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    Friday, June 29, 2012

      Noel Gallagher thinks tonight's gig will be shite

    From Noel Gallagher's 'Tales From The Middle Of Nowhere' tour diary.

     So . . . now then . . . yes comrades!! I've been having so much fun that I've forgotten to send one of these things for ages. Sorry 'bout that but you know how it is (or maybe you don't?)!

     Anyway let's see what I can remember eh? So, if my memory serves me correct I was in Stuttgart, in Germany, with a dirty little cold worrying over whether to pull the following night’s gig or not? Is that right? You tell me? I think so. Got dosed up on hot whiskey and Lemsip (the blackcurrant ones!) and sleeping tablets (to be taken responsibly young 'uns . . . just saying).

    Woke up the next afternoon in a very damp bed, freezing cold. It did the trick though. Felt well enough to get up and get down (so to speak!) and lo and behold the gig was fucking mega! The wiggers had done the trick!! Onwards to Hamburg feeling much better.

    Another day on the hot wiggers and Lemsip and ANOTHER top show! Who'd’ve thought? Not me that's for sure. Think we had three gigs in a row which is unusual (for me anyway) and the next one was a big one . . . that Isle of Wight Festival. Reports on the news made it sound like some kind of recreation of a 1st World War battlefield. Now, I've never been to the Isle of Wight, so I was looking forward to it very much.

    Woke up in the New Forest and yes!!! The sun was out! It was actually sunny!! So much so that me and Nancy went for a lovely little middle-class walk amongst the flowers and the bushes and the trees and the horses . . . actually that might have been the day after . . . not sure, but I do remember walking amongst the flowers and the bushes and the trees and the horses.

     You have to get a ferry to the Isle of Wight and I'll tell you something comrades, it was most pleasant. We even went up on deck and took photos . . . of what I'm not quite sure but photos were taken all the same. We had ANOTHER great show . . . the third great show in a row, which is unusual (for me anyway). This drinking whiskey malarkey is fucking MEGA!!

    Great crowd although some young 'uns did get a bit excited and lighted up a few flares and one did get lobbed on stage but no damage done and it added a bit of chaos to the proceedings which is no bad thing. That fella "the Boss" approved 'cause he was watching from the side of the stage and was laughing his little head off!! So then we had a day off in the New Forest. The hangover wasn't too bad. More than manageable. Flew into the great city of Dublin that night for a gig the next day with them Red Hot Chilli Peppers and guess what?

    ANOTHER GREAT SHOW!!! That must be some kind of record? It must be. I can't ever remember doing 4 GREAT gigs in a row? Considering 5 days prior to that I was gonna call the doctor out for I sick-note, I'm pretty fucking impressed!!! The singer from that band U2 came to see us with that fella Danger Mouse. It was great to see 'em. We had to leg it early though, back to London for an all too brief visit to see Bunny Dread and the Mighty I . . . that was yesterday . . . and today I'm in the very wet city of Oslo in Norway. 

    And that comrades . . . is that! You can consider yourself up to speed. No doubt tonight's gig will be shite. I will let you know. ONWARDS. GD.

    Via L4E source:

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      Two new Noel Gallagher songs appear online

    Demos of 'God Help Us All' and 'It Makes Me Wanna Cry' have appeared online Two previously unreleased Noel Gallagher tracks have appeared online.

    The songs, which are titled 'God Help Us All' and 'It Makes Me Wanna Cry', were recorded during a soundcheck from one of Gallagher's recent shows. 'God Help Us All', though unreleased, has existed for some time, with Gallagher previously telling NME that he planned to release that and another track titled 'Revolution Song' later this year.

     He said of 'God Help Us All': "I'm going to finish that one as well. I have got little bits of songs knocking around that I have managed to finish off as I'm not in the band anymore.

    All in good time". Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds embark on a UK tour in September. And will also play the iTunes Festival on September 12 at London's Roundhouse


     Via L4E source:

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    Thursday, June 28, 2012

      Liam Gallagher and Beady Eye Perform New Song and Oasis Classics

    Liam Gallagher and band perform a 12-song set at intimate Warrington Parr Hall last night.

    Beady Eye treated the approx 1000 fans to a few surprises as a new Liam-penned song called 'World Not Set In Stone" was premiered.

    Liam also dipped into the Oasis catalogue for the very first time since the band broke up in 2009. The band whipped the crowd into a frenzy with powerful renditions of 'Rock 'n' Roll Star' and 'Morning Glory' .

    Beady Eye performed:

    'Four Letter Word'
    'Beatles and Stones'
    'Bring the Light'
    'World Not Set In Stone'
    'Rock 'n' Roll Star'
    'The Roller'
    'Standing on the Edge of the Noise'
    'Morning Glory'
    'Sons of the Stage'
    'Three Ring Circus'
    'The Morning Son'

    Beady Eye move on to Heaton Park to support The Stone Roses on Saturday

    via Live4ever

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      Noel Gallagher on Ireland and more

    Noel Gallagher has been one of the most outspoken voices in British music for the best part of two decades. Never one to hold his tongue or any range of subjects, Noel was in town this week to play support to the Red Hot Chili Peppers in a bumper show at Croke Park. While there, Noel called a press conference to announce details of an upcoming double-headliner gig with Kasabian in Marlay Park on August 23rd next but seemed more intent on discussing other matters, like playing a GAA game in Croke Park as a child, the possibilities of an Oasis reunion and Ireland's performance in Euro 2012. Have a peep at the highlights below.

      On playing in Croke Park in 1983 Someone's just given me a photograph of it actually. I remember I scored, I scored a point. We got hammered, but I scored. I can't remember at which end

    On what happened to his GAA career I'd gone as far as I could take that team. It was decided that I'd be better off in the music business. I'm not an athlete, too much hard graft goes into that. [My brothers] all played too. I enjoyed it at the time; I've got to say, until smoking, drinking, birds and drugs take over. Football goes out the window then, doesn't it? Just watching football is hard enough.

      How did Noel end up playing at Croke Park? The Irish community in Manchester has lots of Gaelic football teams and we played for one. We were the champions of Lancashire for years, from U-14s right through to U-18s and we came over here to play an Irish team and we got leathered. We stayed with the other team's families. It's funny actually, I was in Australia in January doing The Big Day Out and I bumped into an Irish guy and he was about my age. "Were you in Dublin..." and he gave the dates of the GAA game...and he said his mam and dad had a picture of me. I must have stayed at their house. They often wondered if it was the same guy! I said, yeah that was me. Apparently I used to eat a lot of Weetabix, hence the fairly successful career since.

      On what position he played Oh I've no idea. I can't even remember what the positions are. I would have been some goal-hanging twat I would have thought.

      On following Gaelic Games My older brother Paul follows Mayo. If I knew [the All Ireland Final] was on I'd probably watch it but nobody would tell. I've seen a few down the years, it's quite exciting. I'm not too into hurling. Fuck that, it's like gang warfare innit?

     On if his kids want to be rock stars Who doesn't want to be a rock star? If that's what they want to do, but I've assured them that they're not going to be as good as me.

      On what he's like around the house I think I'm brilliant; my wife thinks I'm useless. I'm sure it's like any other relationship that anyone else has with their wife. I don't do a great deal. I don't have a shed, I don't do any whittling. Do I do the ironing? Good lord, no. I've got staff for that. Although I shouldn't refer to the wife as 'staff'.

      On artist tax exemptions in Ireland I'm a bit uncomfortable with that. There's only so much money you can earn. Nobody likes paying 50% tax but if that's the way it is, it's the way it is. I wouldn't ever go and see my accountant and try to squirrel away a few bob here and there. For what?

    On how much tax he pays Me? Well I sorted that out with Tony Blair in the 90's, I don't have to pay anything (laughs).

      On Liam Gallagher and the possibility of an Oasis reunion I texted him at Christmas, after the City match. I don't think [a reunion] is going to happen. It would be great for everybody else except me. I would be great for millions and millions but I wouldn't be very happy about it. I was in Oasis for nearly 20 years. I've been doing this, what I'm doing now, for one year. I'd like to see what it's like to do it for a lot longer. I spoke to Gem (Archer, formerly of Oasis now of Beady Eye) recently, not about that, but nobody ever brings it up with any seriousness. Liam does publicly, but he says a lot of things publicly. I wouldn't take anything he says seriously.

    On Ireland at Euro 2012 Why is everyone being so hard on the team. They played Spain and Italy, two of the semi-finalists - one of them is going to win it. You're lucky to get a kick off Spain, let alone a goal. If you look at it in the cold light of day neither England nor Ireland have good enough players to win tournaments like this.

    On whether or not he was sad to see the end of Westlife Why, what's happened? They've not been killed, have they?

     Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds will play a double-headliner with Kasabian at Marlay Park on August 23rd. Tickets on sale from Friday, priced at €49.50. Support is from The Cribs.

     Via L4E source:

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    Wednesday, June 27, 2012

      Noel Gallagher and his High Flying Birds played Croke Park last night, supporting the Red Hot Chilli Peppers and just before his soundcheck, he invited us down to Croker for an announcement. He’ll be back in Dublin playing with Kasabian on Thursday August 23rd with tickets going on sale this Friday at 9am.

       Would you believe Noel Gallagher one played a GAA match at Croker in 1983! Noel said “Yeah someone just showed me a photo of it. I can remember I scored a point. I mean we got hammered. Obviously the Irish community in Manchester has lots of Gaelic football teams. We played for one called Oisin’s. We were the champions of Lancashire – the champions for years from Under 14’s right through to Under 18’s and then we came over here to Ireland to play an Irish team and got leathered. My older brother Paul follows it – he follows Mayo. If I knew it was on, I’d probably watch it. It’s quite exciting and a great game.

       I’m not too hot on hurling – f*** that. It’s like gang warfare – any sport you have to wear a helmet is wrong. It was decided I was better off in the music business. Y’see at the time, I was still at school but quite quickly I went smoking and drinking and birds and drugs took over so football went out the window”.

       So the burning question – has he been in touch with his brother Liam recently and will an Oasis reunion ever happen? Noel said “No I haven’t been in touch. I last texted him at Christmas after the City match. I don’t think it’s gonna happen. It would be great for everyone else except me. It’d be mega for the millions and millions and everybody else it would be brilliant but I wouldn’t be very happy about it. I guess you don’t know what you’re gonna feel like in 20-odd years but right now, I mean I was in Oasis for nearly 20 years. I’ve been doing this what I’m doing now for one year and I’d like to see what it’s like to do it for longer. I don’t think anyone is pushing for a reunion either. Nobody ever brings it up in any seriousness – I mean Liam does publicly but he says a lot of things publicly. I wouldn’t take anything he says seriously”.

       To listen to the interview click here.

       Via L4E source:

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      Tuesday, June 26, 2012

        Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds announces double header with Kasabian

      Noel Gallagher this afternoon announced details of an upcoming double-headliner gig with Kasabian at Marlay Park on Thursday 23rd August. The supporting bill includes Yorkshire 3-piece The Cribs. Gallagher and MCD made the announcement in a joint press conference in Croke Park ahead of Gallagher's support slot this evening with Red Hot Chili Peppers. This will be Noel Gallagher's fourth Irish show in less than a year, after performances in The Olympia, The O2 and tonight's Croke Park gig. Tickets will cost €49.50 and will be on sale from this Friday 29th June at 9am from Ticketmaster. Via source:

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      Monday, June 25, 2012

        Listen again to Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds at the Isle Of Wight festival now!

      Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds played the Main Stage at the Isle of Wight Festival yesterday. To listen to the full set by clicking here.

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      Friday, June 22, 2012

        Fat F#cking Idiot and his F#cking Idiot Phone

      From Noel Gallagher's Tales from the middle of Nowhere Tour Diary Gallagher's 'Tales From The Middle Of Nowhere' tour diary.

      Comrades . . . this cold is fucking killing me (man!).

      Horrible, horrible couple of days. I fucking hate being a sick boy. It’s at times like this I wish I was still in a band so I could just shuffle onstage and stand at the back. Not good.

      Anyway . . . all that being said Gdansk was great. What a lovely place. Super nice people.

      Did a great show in one of the fan parks. There were English, Irish, Germans, Greeks, Italians and even a few locals there. Lively bunch and all. There was a brilliant sign being held up all the way through the gig that simply read "I LOVE BLUR!!" (the word love being substituted for a love heart). Someone must've made that in the 90's and just bided their time on the off chance that ONE DAY one of those Gallagher boys would be in town. I did laugh.

      Legged it sharpish back to the hotel. Sniffling. All bunged up. Horrible. So I'm not sleeping too well, (as you can't breath all that well with a cold innit?), when at 6am on the dot the fucking fire alarm goes off in the hotel!!! Now usually these things don't last for more than 5 minutes but this time the bastard hotel was EVACUATED!!!!!! It was barely getting light AND it was raining. So I'm stood outside in a proper fury. Fucked. Colded up to raas when what could only be described as a fucking fat idiot marches up to me and with no pre-amble put's his fat fucking idiot arm around me pulls out his fat fucking idiot phone and says . . . (and you KNOW what's coming next!) . . . “quick picture?" My response can only be described – visually - like this:



      It's SIX O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING!! We've been evacuated from our beds in the rain and your first thought (after checking if the buffet was open presumably) is to start mithering for a fucking picture?? Seriously?

      Fuck off!!!


      via L4e / Source:

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        The Maccabees: Oasis Return Will Happen

      Interview excerpts of Live4ever's interview with Maccabee's Felix White

      As part of a new generation of bands which so embraced the benefits of the social network boom towards the end of the last decade, and in both witnessing and overcoming the new challenges which have been presented as the music world makes a seismic, seemingly permanent shift to the digital market, The Maccabees are perhaps more qualified than most to assess an industry which Garbage singer Shirley Manson recently described as being ‘a shell of what it once was’.

      “Noel Gallagher made a really good point: especially in England it’s so consumer demand-driven. So even radio and stuff is based on polls. They play like 30 seconds of a song to a hundred people and if they go, ‘I like it, it’s catchy’ it stays on the radio. That is not how good music gets made. Like his point was that the public didn’t ask for Jimi Hendrix or ‘Sgt. Peppers…’ – they get given it, and you come round to it or you don’t. But music isn’t allowed to do that anymore, by the powers that be or whatever, which is a really sad thing. But you’ve got to try and fight the grain, you’ve got to try and make really good music and hope it finds its way.”

      “The thing English music is missing is Top Of The Pops – when I was growing up you’d watch it every week, and you’d be so aware of what was in the charts, and you’d really decide what music was for you and you’d root for it. And that direct consciousness towards music and how it defines you is lost at the moment without shows like that.”

      So is there room in these nostalgia-driven times for even more high profile returns? “I don’t think we need any more bands to come back,” says White. “There’s always a lot of talk about The Smiths, I don’t need to see that.” But what of an Oasis return in 2015? “I reckon that would definitely happen,” he continues. “They all need each other, whether they like to admit it or not, they need each other. I think at the moment Noel is just making his point. That would be the anniversary of ‘…Morning Glory’ – it’s the first album I ever bought. Especially now in hindsight, Oasis were such a powerful band to have existed when you were a kid, because they taught you that you don’t have to be super talented to achieve something, you just have to have drive, anyone could do it. I like more music than Oasis now, but as a way in it’s incredible.”

      Full exclusive interview on our Ezine

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      Thursday, June 21, 2012

        From the Oasis Video Vault: Noel Gallagher on Learning Guitar

      The Ex Oasis guitarist talks to Take it away about learning to play, writing music and getting started

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      Wednesday, June 20, 2012

        Watch the video for Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds 'Everybody's On The Run' now!

      Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds are pleased to announce the premiere of the video for new single 'Everybody's On The Run'.

       The video features some arresting images of actress Mischa Barton and was directed by Blake West who has collaborated with Noel on all the promos produced for the Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds debut album. 

      You can watch the new video HERE!

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      Tuesday, June 19, 2012

        Glum Looking Swedes

      From Noel Gallagher's "Tales from the middle of nowhere" tour diary:

      Yes comrades.

      So . . . that England game was an epic encounter. Great atmosphere. Good laugh and all.

      Caught an early flight the next morning with a load of glum looking swedes to Stockholm. Did a show at that Hultsfred Festival. It was ok . . . nothing more. Think the crowd enjoyed it more than I did which really is all that matters innit? Legged it straight off stage to a waiting private jet what took us to Denmark.

      Somewhere along the way my suitcase had an accident. It looked like it had been run over by a tractor when it finally got to my room. Shampoo everywhere!!! A right fucking mess. The festival in Denmark was an odd one. It seemed like it was in the middle of a housing estate. Cold, windy and grey. The rain came later. The gig itself was mega. Don't know why . . . it just was. Left the stage to light drizzle. Snow Patrol had to deal with that though!!

      Got straight in a car and off to Copenhagen for a day off. Didn't do much except somehow catch a bastard cold. Not feeling too clever at all. Off to Gdansk tomorrow. It’ll be my first ever time in Poland.

      Looking forward to it.



      via L4e / Source:

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      Monday, June 18, 2012

        Second Amorphous Androgynous track included on new Noel Gallagher single

      Noel Gallagher has confirmed the fifth single to be released from his debut solo album ‘Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds‘ will be ‘Everybody’s On The Run‘.

       The single follows ‘The Death Of You and Me‘, ‘AKA…What a Life!‘, ‘If I Had a Gun‘ and ‘Dream On‘ in being issued from the UK number one record, and is to be backed by a second Amorphous Androgynous track; a 15 minute remix of ‘AKA…What a Life!’, following the inclusion of a similar re-working of ‘If I Had a Gun’ – entitled ‘Shoot a Hole Into The Sun‘ – on the ‘Dream On’ single.

       More Details : Live4ever Ezine

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        Oasis Songs Featured on Olympic Ceremony Soundtrack

      Bands such as The Beatles, Oasis and the Sex Pistols are set to feature on an 86-song playlist which will soundtrack the opening ceremony of this summer’s London Olympic Games, according to The Sun.

      The newspaper claims the playlist has been leaked by a ‘music industry source’, but also quotes an Olympic spokesperson who refused to confirm the accuracy of the soundtrack, saying: “There is endless speculation about the content of the show — much is simply guesswork — and we are keeping the rest of the show under wraps.”

      If correct, songs such as ‘The Hindu Times‘ and ‘Wonderwall‘ by Oasis, The Beatles’ ‘Hey Jude‘ and ‘She Loves You‘, and the Sex Pistols’ classic anti-establishment anthem ‘God Save The Queen‘ will feature along side other eclectic pieces such as  ‘Land Of Hope And Glory’, ‘Jerusalem’ and the Dambusters March.

      Other bands included for the opening ceremony on July 27th according to the tabloid include Radiohead with ‘Creep‘, The Who, Led Zeppelin and The Jam.

      via Live4ever Ezine

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      Saturday, June 16, 2012

        Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds announce new photo competition

      Noel Gallagher will be releasing a live DVD later this year and here's your chance to have one of your photos included in the booklet! 

       Our new competition is for fans to take pictures at any of the festivals Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds are appearing at this summer which you can then post HERE!

       The best photos, as voted for by the fans, will be shortlisted and Noel will pick his personal favourites to be included in the DVD booklet. All the details and terms and conditions are live now - what are you waiting for!

       Via L4E source:

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        Noel Gallagher's mission in life is to sample drastic substances

      From Noel Gallagher's 'Tales From The Middle Of Nowhere' tour diary.

       Right comrades. Been a few days. Where were we exactly? On the way to the airport to catch a flight to the Ukraine I believe? Yes? I think so yes. Flight was delayed a little bit and thank God it was. The most violent, loudest and windiest storm passed over the airport as we sat on the tarmac. The plane was being blown from side to side, rain POURING out of the sky. I usually love that kind of display from Mother Nature but when the pilot comes on over the tannoy and says in what can only be described as a comedy dead-pan Russian accent "Good morning. Welcome to Aeroflot AF 83 (or something!) to Kiev. Time will take 1 hour 25 minutes. Enjoy flight.” Whoa!!! Hang on a minute man you're not actually gonna take off in this weather are you!? The engines started . . . (we are all going to die!).

      Now I'm not a nervous flier by any means, but I was seriously hoping the pilot would see sense and hang back a little until the storm passed. There was an audible sigh of relief when he comes back on and says "There will be delay of 20 minutes. Storm will pass.” Thank the holy lord Jesus Christ almighty we were saved!!!!!!

       After that it was quite an uneventful flight. Just how I like them. At customs in Kiev I noticed a peculiar sign as I was trying to enter the country. It was a list of things that one shouldn't really be carrying if one doesn't want one's day ruined by the police . . . amongst the usual suspects - gold bullion, plastic explosives and weapons (although there are always one or two of those on any tour!). There were also these two . . . WORKS OF ART (over 50 years old) and DRASTIC SUBSTANCES????? Now, I have no idea what a drastic substance is, but I intend to make it my life mission to find out and hopefully sample some and relay my findings to you good people of the Internet (and/or mobile devices).

       So . . . Kiev? What a great place!! Loving it. Had great show on Wednesday. One of the top 10 of the tour for me. Only marginally spoiled by some fat drunken skinhead English yobs desperately trying to cause trouble. Thankfully one or two of them did and one or two of them got their heads kicked in by some locals. Kind of restores your faith in the unwritten law of karma!!

      Anyway, great, great night. Felt it all day yesterday though. Total wipe-out. So . . . there you go. I'm off to see England play Sweden. I shall try and avoid the inevitable blood-bath should England lose which is a very strong possibility.

      Although I foresee a draw so we, I and the great city of Kiev, will live to fight another day (so to speak!). 
      ONWARDS. GD.

       Via L4E source:

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      Friday, June 15, 2012

        Noel Gallagher Has a Ball at the Euros

      The Oasis star is at the Olympic Stadium in Kiev, Ukraine, to see England take on Sweden.

      And he made sure he took along a huge banner for his beloved Manchester City who triumphed in the Premier League this season.

      Noel, 45, larked around with our man Chris before kick-off.

      The pals were seen swapping jokes and pointing at fellow England fans while their mates swigged beer.

      Retired England midfielder Chris was feeling optimistic about the Three Lions chances.

      He wrote in his column on Monday: “The Swedes have a star player in Zlatan Ibrahimovic but the rest of their team lacks the quality that France can boast.

      “If I was Roy, I wouldn’t be too worried about them. We’ll have more of the ball and if we keep our discipline at the back, we should emerge with the win.”

      Click here to see a number of pictures of Noel at the game.

      Via L4e Source:

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      Wednesday, June 13, 2012

        Noel Gallagher Gets Emotional on New DVD

      The moment Noel Gallagher witnessed Manchester City clinch the Premier League title in dramatic style last month has been captured on film and will feature on a new DVD due out this Christmas, that’s according to today’s Sun newspaper.

      Gallagher was in Chile as part of the world tour in support of his debut solo album ‘Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds‘ when Man City came up against Queens Park Rangers on the final day of last season, and has previously admitted he ‘cried like a baby’ when Sergio Aguero’s late winner handed his team the title on goal difference.

       Read the full story in our Ezine

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      Tuesday, June 12, 2012

        Noel Gallagher's Back in the USSR

      From Noel Gallagher's 'Tales From The Middle Of Nowhere' tour diary.

      Yes comrades. . .

      Festival season is upon us. Non-stop now. Flying here, there and everywhere.

      You currently find me in the great city of Moscow. Did a festival last night with that band The Cure and a load of other bands no-one's ever heard of (Everything Is Made In China?? Nope me neither!!). Had a pretty good one. Not sure the Cure fans down the front enjoyed it though. They did look a bit miserable it has to be said. I enjoyed it anyway so fuck 'em!! Seemed to be more police there than punters.

      Legged it early to watch the England-France game. Not bad. Not great but not bad. Off to the Ukraine today . . . Kiev to be exact. Never been out that far. Gonna be hot, hot, hot by all accounts!!

      Enjoy the rain back home suckers!!!!!



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      Monday, June 11, 2012

        Noel Gallagher on The Stone Roses: They Were Our Band

      They were our band, I suppose. The Roses sang in Manchester accents, they wore the same clothes, they went to the same clubs, you could see them down the same shops where you were buying your dessert boots and your flared jeans.

      "But all that aside, in the cold light of day what you're left with is the music, and what it boils down to is that they wrote the greatest songs of the late '80s. I've said this to John Squire - without that band there would have not been an Oasis, because I don't think Liam would have bothered joining Bonehead's group, and subsequently I wouldn't have bothered joining Liam's group.

      "In the early days of Oasis, we definitely sounded a lot more like The Stone Roses. John Squire's always been a guitarist I've admired. I think he's a brilliant guitarist. I used to try and rip off a lot of things he was doing. The Stone Roses kicked the door open for guitar music in the lats '80s. We were credited with the renaissance of British guitar music in the '90s, and I'm having that because we have done a lot for that form of music, but without the Roses... They opened the door for us.

      Taken from a special collectors' issue of Uncut dedicated to The Stone Roses, more details can be found here.

      via L4e /

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      Saturday, June 09, 2012

        Liam Gallagher Hails The Stone Roses

      It is 16 years since the band the Stone Roses broke up. Last night they were back on stage together in Barcelona for the first show of a reunion tour. Liam Gallagher, of Oasis fame, was in the audience last night and he spoke to the BBC's Colin Paterson and music journalist Ben Cardew explains why this comeback is so important.

      To listen to the interview click here

       via L4E Source:

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      Friday, June 08, 2012

        Why piracy is perpetuating plastic pop

      Rather than helping to create a rock'n'roll revolution, the unwillingness to pay for music means more assembly-line artists

       Ever since Lars Ulrich and his band Metallica experienced a massive public backlash for suing Napster, artists have been wary of speaking out against piracy. The fact that Ulrich was already wealthy perpetuated the myth that only greedy rock stars (and major labels) were upset about piracy (though, many years later, Ulrich declared his actions had never been about money but control).

       One of the few artists who dared voice their opinion was Lily Allen, who hit out at a few older, successful artists after they declared their opposition to online copyright enforcement. Allen argued it was easy for them to get on the freebie bandwagon as they'd already made money from the music industry before the advent of digital piracy, but most younger artists would never get the chance to even make a living from music. This made her the target of thousands of incredibly abusive messages – even death threats – so much that she shut down her website.

      No wonder artists think twice before speaking out. But some artists who came to fame before the digital age have voiced their concern for the future of young musicians who don't fit the X Factor mould. Massive Attack's 3D told the BBC how frightening it was to see the total amount of downloads on unlicensed sites. "This is how I make my living. It can be 25,000 [per site]. Multiply that by all the [unlicensed] sites in the world and that can be my whole profit gone. What does that actually mean for the future. It will cheapen music eventually. And it forces the business to take more drastic action, and I think that compromises the bands and the listeners out there."


      Noel Gallagher was a bit more blunt, when talking to a journalist at the Coachella festival. "The consumer [says] 'Where's my free music on the internet? Is this a free download?' Fuck off! It cost me a quarter of a million pounds to make it, you're not getting it for nothing. I want my quarter of a million back, thank you very much. That's why we're rock stars.

       "That's why tours are becoming so long," explained Gallagher. "By the time I finish this tour it'll be a year and four months. Records don't get any cheaper to make, they get more expensive to make. I say this as an independent artist. I'm on my own record label. It isn't backed by anybody else. I pay for it all. Everything."

       Gallagher says the result has been for music to be made by committee and focus groups. "But as I understand it the consumer didn't want Jimi Hendrix, but they got him – and it changed the world … Fuck the customer. He doesn't know what he wants. You fucking give it to him and he likes it."

       Perhaps the most poignant (and eloquent) message, however, came from Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumpkins. In a discussion at this year's SXSW, he said commerce starts at the point where people are happy with paying for something – and the fact that technology now allows people to choose to not pay for music has turned music culture into a service culture. He explained the particular problem this poses for artists such as himself. "People like me used to be auteurs, saying 'I'm going to do whatever the fuck I want to do, you like it or you don't like it' and if you're really good they'll come," said Corgan. "Now I'm supposed to beg for attention. It's completely counterintuitive to why I became a musician in the first place and the personality of someone like me.

       "I'm supposed to have enough of an ego to make my own world, my own music, my own artwork – everything – but then say, 'Please, please will you just fork out that $10, I know that's a really big decision'. What? When did that become such a big decision? Even if we could find the right price point the general person doesn't believe in making that purchase."

       Corgan concludes that if someone like him could be manufactured they wouldn't pick him as a model – they'd pick someone with straight teeth, a better attitude and music that was much more palatable to a wider audience. Could it be that instead of creating a more level playing field and opportunities for, say, a new Nirvana or Smashing Pumpkins to break through, piracy and the unwillingness to pay for music is creating a self-perpetuating conveyer belt of cookie-cutter pop stars?

      via L4e / source:

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      Thursday, June 07, 2012

        Noel Gallagher turns down 'Strictly Come Dancing'

      Tabloid Alert

      Noel Gallagher has apparently turned down the chance to appear on BBC's reality show Strictly Come Dancing. 

      According to today's edition of The Sun, NME's Godlike Genius was approached to take part in the next series of the ballroom dancing show, but turned it down due to scheduling conflicts.

      The tabloid quotes him as saying: "I'm flattered. I'd have done it and all as I've recently mastered the sticky task of c***** while dancing. Sadly though, I'm a bit busy. Maybe next time".

      A source at the BBC also told the paper: "Strictly always set their targets extremely high. The show gets huge viewing figures and the bookers behind the show are very much of the opinion 'if you don’t ask, you don't get'. They knew from the off it was ambitious but they thought it might be something that tickled him."

      Gallagher does indeed have a busy summer of touring planned, with slots at V Festival, Isle Of Wight Festival, Jersey Live and iTunes Festival as his own arena shows among his plans.

      Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds are also playing at this year's T In The Park, which is taking place July 6-8 in Balado Park, Kinross.

      via L4e / source: NME

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      Monday, June 04, 2012

        The Guitars of Noel Gallagher

      Whether as "the Chief" of Oasis or fronting Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds, Gallagher undoubtedly has a way with a tune.

      He sees himself primarily as a songwriter, but he’s also a total guitarhead.

      Gibson and Epiphone models have been his key machines. Here are the some brief details, and some strange stories...

      The Early Years
      On Oasis’s 1994 debut, "Definitely Maybe", Gallagher and rhythm guitarist Paul "Bonehead" Arthurs mainly relied on Epiphones – Rivieras and Les Paul Standards.

      It was simply a question of cost, as most of the band was unemployed before they scored a record deal.

      You can see Noel’s cherry sunburst Epiphone LP in the video to debut hit, "Supersonic"

      For the rest of the article visit Ultimate Guitar

      Via L4e

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