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    Live4ever Media LLC (NYC / Leeds) are purveyors of new music, daily news, exclusive features and photo galleries on the world’s best Indie bands.

    Live4ever also produces and promotes high quality live music events, and is enjoying a growing industry-wide reputation for both discovering and showcasing new bands.

    Among the network of websites published are the acclaimed Live4ever and The Oasis Newsroom, the web’s most popular site reporting on the brothers Gallagher.

    Live4ever was founded by 3-time Emmy Award winning cameraman and concert photographer, Paul Bachmann. Senior editor Dave Smith is based in Leeds, England and heads up Live4ever’s UK content, as well as overseeing all writing assignments for the site.

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    Today's Top Stories

    Tuesday, November 18, 2008

      Noel Gallagher Interview with Relix

    Noel Gallagher: 'I'm Not Ashamed of Anything I've Done'

    The rampant ego, unapologetic hedonism and regular punch-ups—these are the reasons everybody loves Oasis. But with the group’s seventh studio album, Dig Out Your Soul, trading the usual assortment of drab pub-rock anthems for lush grooves and far-out melodies, people are once again paying attention to the brothers Gallagher for their music.

    Even a few days after getting attacked by a crazed stage-invader in Canada, the Britpop group’s guitarist and chief songwriter Noel Gallagher, 41, remains typically defiant: “My glass is half full at all times!

    You called the album Dig Out Your Soul but it’s not this huge confessional epic, is it?

    No. That title is there out of necessity because I couldn’t think of a decent one. Ironically enough, as soon as the albums were printed I came up with six in half an hour. I don’t know what it means but the album is not hugely confessional, no. I have no confessions left at my age.

    Was there a time when you did?

    No, because to confess anything it means you’re ashamed of it. I’m not ashamed of anything I’ve done or said or wore. Confessions would lead one to believe that one believes in some sort of redemption from some sort of god or another and I don’t live in that world. I shouldn’t apologize for anything I’ve done.

    Do you see music as an emotional outlet, say, if you have a particularly bad day?

    I have to say, and this goes right back to my youth, I don’t have bad days. Never. I mean, I’m going through a pretty shit bit at the moment because I have a few broken ribs. Other than that, I don’t have bad days. I don’t say that to be a smart-ass or trick you in any way. It’s like, what could possibly ruin a day?

    You obviously have a different disposition than the general songwriting population.

    Well, yeah. Thank god, eh?

    Do you think music should be about escapism?

    To me, that’s what it’s about. My favorite bands were always at their best when they were singing songs about people that didn’t exist and situations they never got into. As soon as they started singing about how shit it was being a heroin addict I was like, “I’ve had it with this fucking whining bit.” You know what I mean? Let’s move on. I ain’t into all that. So your mother left you when you were a child? Join the fucking club.

    What were the bands that made you want to pick up a guitar?

    It started with The Beatles and then went into Sex Pistols and then The Smiths and The Jam. I fucking loved The Smiths. But I’m not as literal as Morrissey and didn’t envision ever becoming half the guitarist Johnny Marr was. When I saw The Stone Roses it was like, I could do that. The songs they were writing didn’t seem to come from another planet. They spoke to me. A door opened and that was it.

    With the exception of The Stone Roses, all those bands broke up while they were still at the top of the pile. Do you ever think Oasis should have called it quits after the massive Knebworth concerts?

    It would have been super fucking cool to announce it onstage and then get in a helicopter and fly off and that would be it. But then it would have spoiled everybody’s day. Looking back on it, we were all addicted to one thing or another. You’re addicted to the attention that fuels the drugs that fuel the ego that kind of thinks you can go on and do it forever. In the cold light of day, I can sit here and say we probably should have just disappeared. Instead, what we did is went in the studio and tried to make another record while [(What’s the Story)] Morning Glory was still on the charts. It was insane. But those were great crazy fucking days.

    Didn’t you think you were going to make 12 classic records?

    Oh, absolutely. I still think we’ll make 12 classic records. It might take us 25 albums to get there but we’ll get there in the end.

    via L4e / source:

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